As many of you know one of the biggest downsides of secondary education is the staggering amount of student loan debt. This rate of student loan debt has increased substantially over the years so many millennials are especially mired in debt before they even start their first job. I know first hand this can feel very overwhelming and quite frankly a little depressing. I asked you (the audience) what questions you had for Bridget and I am so excited to bring you all the answers in this episode.
Bridget Casey is the author and creator of the financial blog Money After Graduation. She has an undergraduate degree in Chemistry and an MBA in finance. She is a passionate millennial on a mission to help others pay down their student debt and start investing the right way!
Bridget is also offering a FREE eCourse called the Debt Crusher eCourse that you can enroll in here.
In this episode Bridget and I discuss:
* When should you consolidate your student loan debt
* What is her best advice for someone graduating with close to $100,000 in debt and starting with a job that pays around $60,000-$70,000 per year.
* The difference between having a personal finance advisor vs. online companies (like Learn Vest) for meeting your financial goals.
* Should your income go to paying off your student loan debt or investing (such a common question)
* Should you start paying off your student debt while still in school
* Strategies for paying off student loan debt fast.
Thank you all for the great questions! This episode is sure to answer those questions and get you on the right path for investing and a plan for paying off those student loans!
Thanks for listening and have a great week!